㽶Ƶ eMentoring

About the Program

  • Voluntary, self-directed, online mentoring program facilitated by MentorcliQ.
    • A software program that uses algorithms to match Mentees with Mentors in mentoring relationships to discuss career goals, and development of various skills and competencies, among others.
    • Will include:
      • Resource materials
      • Database of mentors
      • Suggestions on how to start a mentoring relationship
      • Training materials
      • Program benefits
      • Program evaluations
  • Online program will be augmented by in-person events

Apply for the Program

Getting Started


Contact Information

Please email us at ementoring@msm.edu. We will respond to your requests within 24-48 hours.


“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby