Sarah J. Greene, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Pathology & Anatomy
Location: Hugh Gloster Building B353
Phone: 404-756-8909
E-mail: sgreene@msm.edu
GRADUATE:Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Anatomy and Neurobiology
University of New England
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Medical Biology
Johnson State College
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Health Science
Georgia State University - Perimeter
Degree: Associate of Arts, American Sign Language Pathway
- Greene SJ and Rosen L. “Tracking Medical Student Emotionality in Relation to Whole Body Dissection and Donation.” Clinical Anatomy. 2020: In press.
- Greene SJ and Rosen L. “Sharing personal information about anatomical body donors: What first-year medical students want to know and how it affects emotional responses to dissection.” Clinical Anatomy. 2019: 13(1): 48-58.
- Greene SJ. “The use of anatomical dissection videos in Medical Education”. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2019: 32(8): 2019-1032.
- Greene SJ. “The use and effectiveness of interactive progressive drawing in anatomy education.” Anatomical Sciences Education. 2018: 11: 445–460.
- Greene SJ, Collins AJ, Rosen L. “A memorial ceremony for anatomical donors: an investigation of donor family and student responses.” Medical Science Educator. 2017: 28(1), 71-79.
Honors and Awards
- American Association of Clinical Anatomists Early Career Travel Award recipient, 2019
- Best Academic Professor: Morehouse School of Medicine 2017 Faculty Appreciation Gala
- American Association of Anatomists Young Faculty Travel Award Recipient
- Johnson State College Rising Star / Young Alumni Award
- Boston University Women’s Graduate Club scholarship recipient
- Alpha Chi Honor Society