Indrajit Chowdhury, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Location: Medical Education Building
Phone: (404) 752-1587
E-mail: ichowdhury@msm.edu
Banaras Hindu University
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Reproductive Endocrinology
Banaras Hindu University
Degree: Master of Science in Zoology (specialization in Biochemistry)
Banaras Hindu University
Degree: Bachelor of Education in Teaching Science
Banaras Hindu University
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Botany, Zoology & Chemistry
Research Interests
Regulation of Ovarian Follicular Development and Atresia
Women’s health (Oncofertility, Endometriosis, Ovarian and breast cancer)
Complementary and alternative medicine for reproductive health
Managing Editor
2009 (April) - present: I. Chowdhury. Recent Progress in Reproductive Biology, Frontiers in Bioscience, New York, USA.
2014 (May) – present: D. Majumdar, B. Ghosh and I. Chowdhury. Recent Advances in Carbohydrates
and Glycoconjugates, In Frontiers in Chemistry, section Medicinal and Pharmaceutical
Chemistry, Lausanne, Switzerland.
1. I. Chowdhury, W. Xu, J. Stiles, A. Zeleznik, X. Yao, R. Mathews, K. Thomas and W. E. Thompson (2007). Apoptosis of rat granulosa cells after staurosporine and serum withdrawal is suppressed by adenovirus directed overexpression of prohibitin. Endocrinology, 148, 206-217.
2. Arianne L. Theiss, Hamed Laroui, Tracy S. Obertone, Indrajit Chowdhury, Winston E. Thompson, Didier Merlin, Shanthi V. Sitaraman (2011). Nanoparticle-based therapeutic delivery of prohibitin to the colonic epithelial cells ameliorates acute murine colitis. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases(R) 17(5):1163-76.
3. Indrajit Chowdhury, Alicia Branch, Moshood Olatinwo, Kelwyn Thomas, Anthony Zeleznik, Roland Matthews, and Winston E. Thompson (2011). Prohibitin (Phb) acts as a potent survival factor against ceramide induced apoptosis in rat granulosa cells. Life Sci. 89: 295–303.
4. Indrajit Chowdhury, Winston E. Thompson, Crystal Welch, Kelwyn Thomas, Roland Matthews (2013). Prohibitin (PHB) inhibits apoptosis in rat granulosa cells (GCs) through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and the Bcl family of proteins. Apoptosis 18(12):1513-25.
5. I. Chowdhury, B. Tharakan and G. K. Bhat (2006). Current concepts in apoptosis: The physiological sucide program revisited. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letter: Vol. 11, 506-525.
6. I. Chowdhury and K. P. Joy (2007). Seminal vesicle and its role in reproduction of teleosts. Fish Physiol Biochem 33: 383-398.
7. I. Chowdhury, B. Tharakan and GK Bhat (2008). Caspases – an update. Comp Biochem Physiol 151: 10-27.
8. I. Chowdhury, A Sengupta and SK Maitra(2008). Melatonin: Fifty years of scientific journey from the discovery in bovine pineal gland to focus the functions in human. Indian J. Biochem Biophy. 45: 289-304.
9. Djana F. Harp and Indrajit Chowdhury (2011). Trichomoniasis: evaluation to execution. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology: 157: 3–9.
10. Indrajit Chowdhury, Minerva Garcia-Barrio, Djana Harp, Kelwyn Thomas, Roland Matthews, Winston E. Thompson (2012). The emerging roles of prohibitins in folliculogenesis. Front. Biosci. E4, 690-699.
11. Djana Harp, Indrajit Chowdhury, Minerva Garcia-Barrio, Crystal Welch, Roland Matthews, Winston Thompson (2014). Oncofertility:an emerging branch of women’s health. Front. Biosci. S6, 39-49.
12. Indrajit Chowdhury, Winston E. Thompson and Kelwyn Thomas (2014). Prohibitins role in cellular survival through Ras-Raf-MEK-Erk pathway. J Cell Physiol. 229(8): 998-1004.