Yusuf Omosun, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Microbiology, Biochemistry & Immunology
Location: Hugh Gloster Building
E-mail: yomosun@msm.edu
Malaria Branch, Center for Global Health,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta
University of Ibadan
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Cellular Parasitology
University of Ibadan
Degree: Master of Science in Cellular Parasitology
University of Benin
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Research Interests
The overall objective of my research work is to understand what is happening in host cells during chlamydia infection of the female genital tract that leads to the process of chlamydial pathogenesis which ends in tubal pathologies and infertility. My work involves the use genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and systems biology in answering research questions that arise from my studies. My research focus involves elucidating the molecular mechanisms underpinning the pathogenesis of chlamydial infection. Results generated from my lab have identified some novel and differentially expressed miRNAs that can be viable biomarkers for pathologies associated with Chlamydia infection. In addition, we are studying genes involved in antibacterial response, apoptosis, inflammation and epithelial to mesenchymal transition that are altered during chlamydia infection leading to tubal factor infertility, which will potentially fill this gap in knowledge. Results from my lab has also opened up new areas of research which includes elucidating the effects of circadian rhythms on chlamydia infection and pathogenesis. My research is innovative and utilizes recently described key regulatory molecules, state-of-the-art molecular techniques and novel technologies in a focused set of studies to achieve the groundbreaking feat of discovering possible therapeutics/biomarkers for pathologies caused by Chlamydia infection. I have submitted datasets to the , which is the most comprehensive RNA-Seq dataset from mice experiments. I am currently mentoring graduate students in my lab. I have had medical students and minority undergraduates from Spelman College (RISE fellow) and Georgia Gwinnett College in my lab.
- Benyeogor I, Simoneaux T, Wu Y, Lundy S, George Z, Ryans K, McKeithen D, Pais R, Ellerson D, Lorenz WW, Omosun T, Thompson W, Eko FO, Black CM, Blas-Machado U, Igietseme JU, He Q, and Omosun Y (2019). A unique insight into the MiRNA profile during genital chlamydial infection. BMC Genomics. 2019 Feb 18;20(1):143. doi: 10.1186/s12864-019-5495-6.
- George Z, Omosun Y, Azenabor AA, Goldstein J, Partin J, Joseph K, Ellerson D, He Q, Eko F, MacDonald MA, Reed M, Svoboda P, Stuchlik O, Pohl J, Lutter E, Bandea C, Black CM, Igietseme JU. (2019). The molecular mechanism of induction of unfolded protein response by Chlamydia. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019; 508(2): 421-429. PMID: 30503337.
- Igietseme JU, Omosun Y, Nagy T, Stuchlik O, Reed MS, He Q, Partin J, Joseph K, Ellerson D, George Z, Goldstein J, Eko FO, Bandea C, Pohl J, Black CM (2018). Molecular Pathogenesis of Chlamydia Disease Complications: Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Fibrosis. Infection and Immunity; 86(1). pii: e00585-17. PMID: 29084894.
- Omosun YO, Blackstock AJ, Williamson J, van Eijk AM, Ayisi J, Otieno J, Lal RB, ter Kuile FO, Slutsker L and Shi YP(2018) Association of maternal KIR gene content polymorphisms with reduction in perinatal transmission of HIV-1. Plos One 13 (1): e0191733
- Ryans K, Omosun Y*, McKeithen DN, Simoneaux T, Mills CC, Bowen N, Eko FO, Black CM, Igietseme JU, He Q. (2017) The immunoregulatory role of alpha enolase in dendritic cell function during Chlamydia infection. BMC Immunol. May 19;18(1):27. PMID: 28525970.
Honors and Awards
- 2018: A short course in Systems Biology, A Foundation for Interdisciplinary Careers, Travel Subsidy
- 2017: Keystone Symposia Scholarship Award
- 2015: ABRCMS Judges’ Travel Subsidy
- 2014: ASM Minority Travel Grant Award
- 2013: ABRCMS Judges’ Travel Subsidy
- 2013: FASEB MARC Program Travel Award
- 2009-2007: ASM/CCID Post-Doctoral Fellowship