Dominic H. Mack, M.D., MBA
Family Medicine
National Center for Primary Care
Location: National Center for Primary Care, Room 311
Phone: 404-756-8960
E-mail: dmack@msm.edu
POSTGRADUATE:Morehouse Medical School
Residency: Family Medicine
Meharry Medical College
Degree: Doctor of Medicine
Kennesaw State University
Degree: Master in Business Administration
Paine College
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biology
Board Certification
American Board of Family Practice
Mack D, Rust G, Sow C, Moore B, Baltrus P, Patel V, Thomas D. Using Appendiceal Perforation
Rates to Measure Impact of a Disaster on Health System Effectiveness. Southern Medical
Journal. Accepted 11/2012
Rust G, Levine R, Fry-Johnson Y, Baltrus P, Ye J, Mack D. Paths to Success: Optimal & Equitable Health Outcomes for All. Journal of Healthcare
for the Poor and Underserved (JHCPU). May 2012. 23:7-19
Ye J, Mack D, Fry-Johnson Y, Parker K. Health Care Access and Utilization Among US- born and Foreign-born
Asian Americans. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health (JIMH). OnLine Firstâ„¢, Nov
Taylor VS, Ye J, Mack D, et al. Overweight in School-Aged Children Associated with Emotional and Behavioral
Difficulties: Results from a National Sample. Journal of the National Medical Association
(JNMA). Sep/Oct 2011. 103(9&10):917-921.
Mack D, Gooden R, Rust G. Retail Health Clinics and the Practice of Primary Care: Compete,
Cooperate, or Be Co-opted? Journal of the National Medical Association (JNMA,). November
Mack D. Letter to the Editor, Stethoscope Study Overlooks Bacteria on Clinicians’ Hands.
Journal of Family Practice. October 2009. 58(10):513.
Honors and Awards
2011: Atlanta Telecom Professional (ATP) of the Year, Finalist
2006: The Nelson McGhee Memorial Award, Morehouse School of Medicine, Department of
Family Medicine
2006: Kathy Miner Health Education and Promotion Award
2001, 1998: Southside Healthcare, Inc. Outstanding Service Award
1996: Southside Healthcare Physician of the Year Award
1992: Southwest Hospital and Medical Center Outstanding Service Award