Welfare Check

What is a Welfare Check?

A welfare check, also known as a wellness check, is a service provided by police to ensure the well-being of individuals who may be at risk. Typically, these checks are requested by friends, family, or neighbors when someone unexpectedly stops answering their phone or fails to make contact for a prolonged period.


When to Request a Welfare Check

Welfare checks can be crucial for people of all ages, not just the elderly. Here are some common scenarios where you might consider requesting a welfare check:

  • Prolonged Absence: If a neighbor or relative who you regularly see or hear from suddenly becomes unreachable.
  • Medical Concerns: If someone with known health issues, such as a heart condition, fails to make contact.
  • Suicidal Concerns: If a friend who has expressed suicidal thoughts stops responding to messages.
  • Suspicious Activity: If you notice unusual activity at a neighbor's house late at night.


How to Request a Welfare Check

Steps to Take:

  1. Call 911: If you believe there is an immediate emergency, dial 911.
  2. Provide Details: Give the dispatcher the exact address and a cross street where police need to go.
  3. Stay Calm: Remaining calm helps convey the necessary information clearly.
  4. Describe the Individual: Offer a detailed description of the person, including their last known clothing, and any relevant history or concerns.


Legal Considerations

No court order is needed for a welfare check. Police can enter a home if they have reasonable grounds to believe someone inside is in danger. They will typically knock and announce their presence before entering. If necessary, they can enter without permission to provide emergency aid.


What Happens After a Welfare Check?

If the police find the person in good health, they will notify the requester. If the individual is injured or deceased, they will call for medical assistance and inform the requester to come to the scene. In cases of foul play, a criminal investigation will be initiated.


If you have any concerns about a loved one or need more information, do not hesitate to contact your local law enforcement. Your vigilance can help ensure the safety and well-being of your community.