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To become the leading center in the Southeast for the advancement and evaluation of culturally competent programs and services that promote and sustain healthy families and communities.
The mission of the Health Promotion Resource Center is to work independently and collaboratively to develop a comprehensive network of culturally competent programs and services to empower and promote the development of healthy families and communities.
About Us
The Health Promotion Resource Center (HPRC) was established in 1988 in the Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine with a grant from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The primary goal was to develop a Health Promotion and Disease Prevention model for minority and other populations.
Since then, it has partnered with communities throughout Georgia to address health problems identified locally. The HPRC pioneered the model known as Community Organization and Development for Health Promotion, which is a tool for community empowerment. Under the Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine (CHPM) at Morehouse School of Medicine (Ï㽶ÊÓƵ), the HPRC is located in Ï㽶ÊÓƵ's National Center for Primary Care.
Our Goals
Goal 1: To become the leading center in the Southeast for the advancement and evaluation of culturally competent programs and services that promote and sustain healthy families and communities.
Goal 2: To sponsor local, regional and state training events for professionals in evidence-based prevention and /or health promotion programs to increase knowledge and expertise in field.
Goal 3: To increase knowledge of risk factors that contribute to negative life outcomes for youth, families and communities; and increase knowledge of protective factors and strategies that decrease at risk behaviors among susceptible populations in fragile communities.
HPRC was awarded the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Replication Evidence-based program (TPPC) grant from the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) on September 20, 1010, in the amount of $1,500.000 per year for five years. The Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Replication Evidence-based program is an innovative partnership of community-based organizations in three distinct geographical locations.
The purpose of the grant is to support the replication of evidence-based program to be effective in preventing teenage pregnancy. The grant will target communities with high rates of teenage pregnancy.
Get Ahead House in Jasper County (Monticello, Georgia) is Ï㽶ÊÓƵ-TPP rural partner. HPRC has been a partner with the Get Ahead House since 2007. The Get Ahead House was established 15 years ago by the Monticello Police Department and supported by the Monticello City Council and Business Community in response to high crime among youth in Sanders Height Housing Authority in the City of Monticello.
Lamar County Activity Centeris Ï㽶ÊÓƵ-TPP Micropolitan County partner. HPRC has been a partner with Lamar County Activity Center since 2005. The Lamar County Activity Center has been in existence for 18 years, and will implement the proposed teenage pregnancy prevention replication model to serve youth from both Lamar and Spalding counties. The Lamar County Activity Center began its program in an economically disadvantaged, high crime area with a full day summer camp for youth ages 3 to 18 years. The mission of Lamar County Activity Center is to provide educational and enrichment activities that promote healthy lifestyle changes and behaviors for youth and families in their services areas.
HPRC received a one year continuation contract from Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities-division of Addictive Diseases, Office of Prevention Services and Programs on October 1, 2010. HPRC will cover South Georgia Region four counties, providing serves for 35 funded providers of all race/ethnicity and gender through Capacity Building & Technical Assistance. HPRC Prevention Resource center located in Talbotton, Georgia will serve a minimum of 500 participants of all ages, race/ethnicity and gender, and will provide evaluation, Technical Assistant and program site visits.