Course Catalog
Course#: GEBS-501
Course Title: Introduction to Medical Informatics
Instructor: Jerome Carter, MD
Year, Semester: Year 1, Summer & Fall
Credits: 2
Course Description: The course will address using data from clinical information systems in performing clinical research including the strengths and limitations of these data. Topics include overview of medical informatics, discussion of the nature of computer-based data including medical vocabularies, large databases, the web, and confidentiality-related issues.
Course #: GEBS-502
Course Title: Introduction to Principles of Clinical Research
Instructor: Alexander Quarshie, MD
Year/Semester: Year 1, Fall Credits: 2
Course Description: This course is offered in collaboration with NIH, and delivered through video-conferencing. This course provides an overview and introduction to the various types of clinical research including Patient-oriented research, epidemiology, behavioral sciences and health services research, and introduction to evidence-based medicine for clinical researchers. The course introduces protocol design, mentoring development, and gathering of evidence, including decision analysis
Course #: GEBS-512
Course Title: Ethics of CTR in Vulnerable Populations
Instructor: Julian Menter, PhD, Priscilla Johnson, PhD
Year/Semester: Year 1, Fall
Credits: 1
Course Description: This course challenges trainees to incorporate social science and behavior theory concepts in understanding health disparities. This multidisciplinary course will provide social, cultural and historical perspectives on the development of ethical standards for clinical research among special at-risk populations. Participants' appreciation of culture, as a predominant force in shaping behavior and values will be enhanced. Topics covered include data management, data sharing, conflict of interest and scientific integrity, Informed consent, strategies for recruitment of minority and disadvantaged populations into clinical research, issues related to compliance and policies regarding the use of human and animal subjects. Various methods such as lectures, readings, case presentations, and group discussions are used.
Course #: GEBS-516
Course Title: Mentored Research Project
Instructor: Alexander Quarshie, MD
Year/Semester: Year 1 & 2, Fall & Spring
Credits: 12
Course Description: This course provides an opportunity for fellows to integrate the competencies acquired in course work, learn how to write a research proposal, develop a research design, analyze data for presentation at a national scientific meeting and generate a scientific manuscript. This mentored project is performed under the supervision of a mentoring team led by an established clinical investigator (lead mentor) and a mentoring committee appointed by the curriculum committee.
Course #: GEBS-524
Course Title: Fundamentals of Biostatistics
Instructor: Ahmad Al-Mahmoud, PhD
Year/Semester: Year 1, Fall
Credits: 3
Course Description: This course introduces various statistical methods used in clinical and translational research and public health management. Students are trained in data analysis theory, data management and interpretation of results using standard statistical packages. Topics include: Probability distributions and conditional probability; descriptive statistics; statistical inference; parametric and non-parametric procedures; regression and correlation methods; repeated measures; survival analysis
Course #: GEBS-520
Course Title: Analysis of Frequency Data
Instructor: Ahmad Al-Mahmoud, PhD
Year/Semester: Year 1, Spring
Credits: 3
Course Description: This course is intended to provide a more detailed approach to the analysis of categorical data in clinical and translational research. Tests and measure of association for contingency table analysis; partitioning chi-square; the odds ratio, comparative trials; analysis of categorical data with matched samples; combining evidence from contingency tables; effects and controls of misclassification errors, multi-way contingency tables. Prerequisite: MCR 512 Fundamentals of Biostatistics.
Course #: GEBS-522
Course Title: Clinical Trials
Instructor: TBA
Year/Semester: Year 1, Spring
Credits: 2
Course Description: Principles for the design and conduct of clinical trials are discussed. Emphasis will be given to protocol preparation, randomization, sample size, trial monitoring, ethical issues and data analysis. Prerequisite: MCR 512 Fundamentals of Biostatistics or permission of instructor.
Course #: GEBS-523
Course Title: Scientific Writing & Proposal Development
Instructor: Brenda Hayes, DSW, MPH
Year/Semester: Year 1,Spring
Credits: 2
Course Description: The objective of this course are to develop 1) the ability to evaluate a variety of funding sources, write concept papers and letters of intent in biomedical sciences, 2) an approach to writing a competitive research proposal, 3) an understanding of the NIH review process. The course provides an overview of these processes in a series of didactic discussions and take-home assignments. Students are required to design a study for specific disease and prepare a scientific protocol and a grant application using Public Health Service Form 398 including the development of a consent form and budget. Emphasis will be placed on grantsmanship and scientific writing, the Institutional Review Board and NIH review process.
Course #: GEBS-511
Course Title: Introduction to Epidemiology
Instructor: Lee Caplan, MD, PhD
Year/Semester: Year 1,Spring
Credits: 3
Course Description: This course provides students with knowledge of patterns of disease occurrence in human populations and factors that influence these patterns. This course is designed to enable students to identify and use systematic procedures that are helpful in determining epidemiological relationships. Principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation, both of infectious and non-infectious diseases are discussed. Prerequisite: MCR 512 Fundamentals of Biostatistics.
Course #: GEBS-520
Course Title: Core Laboratories
Instructor: Alexander Quarshie, MD
Year/Semester: Year 1, Spring
Credits: 2
Course Description: This course is designed to provide trainees with hands-on exposure to existing core units at the Clinical Research Center and how they support clinical and translational research. These cores are - Noninvasive Cardiovascular and Hemodynamics, Analytical and Protein Profiling, Bionutrition, Nursing, Recruitment/Retention, Biostatistical and Data Management, Clinical Trials, Research Subject Advocate and Data Safety Monitoring Cores.
Course #: GEBS-532
Course Title: Community Engagement and Health Disparities in Clinical and Translational
Instructor: Shanita Williams-Brown, PhD
Year/Semester: Year 1, Fall
Credits: 2
Course Description: Led by Morehouse School of Medicine (Ï㽶ÊÓƵ) faculty in collaboration with Emory faculty. The course incorporates social science and behavior theory concepts in understanding of health disparities and research in this area; principles and historical roots of effective community engagement and partnership in clinical and translational research ; community and academic perspectives in developing and sustaining collaborative multidisciplinary research; practical issues in conducting community-based participatory research across the continuum of research including planning, implementation, evaluation, dissemination and translation; and ethical issues and current community-based participatory research projects at Emory, Ï㽶ÊÓƵ, the Atlanta area and rural Georgia. Lectures will be supplemented with case studies and community-based small group activities.